June 30, 2011

something is missing

Last week we said goodbye to my sisters  family (they are heading to ST.L) we are
 a little sad around here

One of Finleys many favorite Aunts. 

I love this picture for so many reasons, its a love hate cousin bond... I remember the day Finley met all her cousins at the airport for her arrival, all Ian could say, (he was 2)  She is so cute..Definitely a love for Finley, we get a a lot of hammie downs from Ian, so on any given day if we are not wearing something of Ians, lets just say its not a good day , we will miss you all

I just noticed all the pictures I posted, Finley isn't smiling,  here's the smile we get to see everyday
(This was from a visit from grams and gramps last week, we miss them too)

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