February 8, 2011

Let the ride begin

As we wait the second time around, it is different...Well its only been a week, but seems different already.  We have our Fin home with us keeping us busy and days quickly passing as they do when you become a parent.  I look back at the time I spent finishing Fin's room, gathering clothes, emptying drawers, reading books, trying to figure out what is going to happen to me once I became a mother.  Well nothing can prepare you, the good and the bad.  It has been an amazing ride and we are look forward to getting on the roller coaster once again.  As my daughter said to me tonight "Are you kidding me"....Nope I'm not kidding, I'm ready.   There will not be as much planning going on with the second time,  I have learned to look at things when they come and then figure it out, not planning to far ahead of ourselves.  I am excited for the next months ahead and planning for an arrival of our second child, summer of 2012.  I remember being very surprised with our wait with Finley so this time I'm prepared.......

Today there were 2 referral's given out to families that I'm sure were very surprised..Congrats to those families


Hood Canal Gal said...

Oh Erin, so exciting! Hope you and your growing family are doing great. Can't wait for you guys to get your loving arms around your new addition. Smooches!


Annie said...

congrats on your second journey!!!!

The Hedwall Family said...

So happy for you guys, I can't wait to hear more about it! Play next week?

Somethinglikeafairytale.com said...

From my family to yours - congrats on expanding!!! So exciting!!!